House Full is
an upcoming movie, releasing on 30 April 2010. This
movie is directed by Sajid Khan. The main cast
includes Akshay Kumar, Lara Dutta, Jiah Khan, Ritesh
Deshmukh, Deepika and many more.
According to Numerology this film will be a great
success as the total of houseful is coming on number
46/1, which is a success number and the releasing
date is also good. For director sajid khan it will
be good opening as his personal year is 1, it will
create heights for him through this film. For Akshay
kumar it will be a success as his personal year is 3
which is a good combination again with the film.
Ritesh Deshmukh and Lara Dutta will have also good
success combinations this year for this film. For
others actress also it will create success, accept
create little problem for deepika padukone on
personal parameters due to her personal year 9,
which is causing little health problems for her. On
the whole it will create success for all.